Enrolments and Fees

If you’d like to see more of GCC, we’d love to hear from you. Visitors are always most welcome to visit the school to view the grounds and see classrooms in action during the day.

How To Enrol

1. Application


Our ‘Online Enrolment Application‘ is the first step to enrolling your child at GCC. Fill in the form and pay the $25 application fee to add your child’s name and contact details to the ‘waiting pool’ of prospective students for the relevant year.

Our office staff will be in contact with you about the availability of places.

2. Interview


Parents/caregivers, along with the child hoping to enrol at the College, may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal.

Please note, an interview does not guarantee an offer of a place.

3. Offer


Once the College has received all relevant documentation, parents may receive an official offer of a place.*

To accept the offer, parents must sign the ‘Acceptance of Enrolment Form’ and pay the non-refundable enrolment fee of $250 per child (capped at $500 per family) to secure their child’s enrolment.

*The number of places offered reflects the number of positions available. We will contact parents only if we are offering a place. If no official offer has been given, you will remain in the ‘waiting pool’ until a suitable place is available.

Age Cut-Offs

Kindergarten - Your child must turn 5, by 30 April*

Year 7 - Your child must turn 12, by 30 April*

*Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Principal. If your child does not meet the age requirements but you would like to discuss an exception, please contact the office.

A Final Note

GCC wants to ensure that student enrolments are as efficient and easy as possible. If parents have particular circumstances that would make it difficult for them to go through the above-mentioned process, please contact enrolments@gcc.nsw.edu.au to discuss their particular needs.


At Greenacre Christian College we want to make quality Christian education affordable and accessible to as many families as possible. Our fees are inclusive of all compulsory excursions, activities, IT equipment and stationery required for school work from Kindergarten right through to Year 12. This gives certainty when budgeting and peace of mind that your child with have everything they need to thrive in their education.

Tuition fees are set to reflect the actual cost of education throughout the various stages of education and sibling discounts are applied in order of oldest to youngest siblings enrolled at GCC. No application is required to receive sibling discounts. In cases of financial hardship, further help may be available.

If you are wondering how much it will cost for your child/ren to attend Greenacre Christian College, view the latest Fee Schedule Prospectus or head to our easy-to-use Tuition Fee Calculator for an estimate based on current year rates.



Rebates must be applied for annually, will only apply for that calendar year, and only be applied to future invoices. There are 2 different types of rebates available, and are not cumulative.

The rebate application form can be downloaded here. Rebate applications for the following year are due on the last day of Term 4 of the prior year.

Ministry Rebate

Those engaged in Christian ministry may be eligible for a Ministry Rebate if they have a financial need.

Financial Hardship

Existing families who are experiencing unexpected financial hardship and are struggling to meet financial obligations are encouraged to make an appointment with the Business Manager to discuss your circumstances.

Other Fees And Charges

Elective Subjects

The College does not charge subject levies for any elective subject offered directly by the College. Students electing to study certain subjects via external Distance Education and TAFE will be charged an additional fee that may or may not include a College-provided subsidy to offset a portion of the charge.


Payment Terms

All tuition fees are invoiced annually at the beginning of the year.  Fees may be paid in:

  • one payment within seven days of the commencement of the first school term, or

  • equal fortnightly, monthly or termly (quarterly) instalments, provided the instalment amounts would clear the fees owing by the end of November each year

The default payment plan is four (4) equal instalments with each instalment due quarterly at the beginning of each term. The exception to this will be for Year 12 students who would need to have fees paid in three (3) equal installments due quarterly at the beginning of each term concluding in Term 3.

Payment of fees must be completed by Direct Debit or Credit Card online via our payment portal. Surcharges may apply for credit card transactions.


Tax Deductible Donations to the College


Donations to the College Building Fund help us to continually improve the building facilities available at GCC for your children and for children to come. They also help our budget by freeing up much needed funds for other unmet priorities around the College.

Donations are voluntary, however we encourage each family to prayerfully consider a donation of between $200 - $500 per family per year to invest in the future of the College.

If you would like to make a donation to our College Building Fund please contact the College Office. Donations over $2 made in Australia are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be provided for each donation received.


Donations to this fund help us to both maintain and expand our school library resources. They can also help our budget by freeing up much needed funds for other unmet priorities in our school.

If you would like to make a donation to our Library Fund please contact the office. Donations over $2 made in Australia are tax deductible.

Visit Our School

If you’d like to see more of GCC, we’d love to hear from you. Visitors are always most welcome to visit the school to view the grounds and see classrooms in action during the day.

To ensure that somebody will be available to show you around, please book a tour online.